Suginamiki Park is one of the last remaining historical areas of Nikko that has an old “Edo” feel to it. You can even find “Houdan Uchikominosugi” – it is a canonball scared pine from the Boshin civil war 1868 to 1869.
The park is part of what was the Edo Five Routes. The section from Utsunomiya to Nikko Toshogu is highly recommended by bike; Suginamiki Park is about 2/3 the distant to Nikko Toshogu from Utsunomiya.
Sadly, the rumor is that the roof to the thatched roof quarters’ will be changed to a less expensive typical aluminum one in 2014 as it is too expensive to redo the thatched roof.
Suginamiki Park is on the Tobu Nikko line; it best to go to Kamiimaichi station.
Kami Imaichi station on the Tobu Nikko Line
a beautiful path amongst the Japanese pine trees
a shrine in the park
Houdan Uchikominosugi – canonball scared pine from the Boshin civil war 1868 to 1869
the old thatched roof workers’ quarters and horse stables
the old thatched roof workers’ quarters and horse stables
a great place for fall foliage and autumn leaves